Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
It has been so long since I have featured my chickens . . . here they are!
In my defense, not all the news has been blog worthy. Before Thanksgiving I butchered my extra rooster plus the four Barred Rocks. I opted not to winter-over the chickens I did not plan on keeping since organic feed keeps creeping up in price and chickens eat considerably more in the winter. Currently the count is thirteen hens, including this free Americana I received, and the two roosters.
This new chicken has several names but is most commonly called Miss Pretty-Pretty. She is a rather strange bird. She is about two years old and is super anti-social! So far she has not laid any eggs, but we keep hoping there will be a pretty green egg waiting for us.
Bob is fully recovered, minus a very slight limp, and has reverted back to his nasty old self. The other day I walked past him and received a full-on assault in the leg! I was so mad at him! After all the tender loving care we have given that rooster, this is how he repays us!?! How rude, and he got my jeans dirty on top of everything! I have dubbed Elvis “the whipping boy.” Bob does not pass up any opportunity to show him who the boss of the barnyard is. Fortunately, Bob’s limp slows him down enough for Elvis to easily outrun him, and he has learned to keep his distance.
I enjoy my chickens. I am especially looking forward to spring when I intend to add a few new breeds to my flock, and hopefully mama hen will hatch her own clutch of cute little fuzz balls.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
It feels like spring. The sun is shining, flowers are blooming, and aside from chilly nights you could not tell it was January at all. I am currently feeling a bit of rain withdrawal. I enjoy the four distinct seasons we have in Grass Valley, and winter is supposed to have rain! But while I was bemoaning the lack of appropriate weather, mom caught the tropical bug, so we had a Luau! (Sadly, I did not take a picture.)
Last night our family, plus a couple of friends, dressed with a tropical flair and ate barbecued chicken (covered with a delicious Hawaiian BBQ sauce, yum!), coconut rice, sweet potatoes, avocados, a green salad, and mandarins. We dined with soft Hawaiian music in the background and candles nestled among leis on the table. We also set up a station with various fruity juices to be mixed in whatever way struck your fancy. Mine came out a strange brown/orange color, but it tasted great! The meal ended with a delicious gluten-free brownie mom has been experimenting with, topped with a scoop of coconut ice cream, and sprinkled with crushed macadamia nuts -- Mmmmmmmm, so good!
By the end of the meal (I must ashamedly report I ate far more then I should have), I was ready to fall into a food coma, though I did manage to put away some popcorn during the movie. We started the evening's entertainment with the Pixar Toy Story short Hawaiian Vacation, followed by Lilo & Stitch, a fun Disney film set in Hawaii with a few aliens thrown in for fun. Regardless of the cold night and the date on the calendar, we had quite a fun tropical adventure. I wonder where we should go next? Aloha!!! :D
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Coordination Yoga.
Ever tried to take several schedules, find a window of time empty for everyone, and then fill it with your event? It is hard! I am attempting to coordinate an expedition to see “Beauty and the Beast” in 3D, since it is, after all, the greatest Disney film of all time! I did not realize I would end up becoming a juggler; I feel like I need a chart or a pie graph or something.
“A” can do Saturday but not Friday, “B” can do Friday and possibly Saturday, and “C’s” schedule is so unpredictable I am not even sure where to classify it. So I decided to pick a time that works for myself and “A” (after all “A” said they wanted to go first, hence “A”), hope “B” and “C” can make it, and just to round things out I invited “D-Z,” just to make it fun! I remember when outings used to be so much easier, of course I was a little kid and the moms did the coordinating; oh the trials of growing up!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Happy Chinese New Year!
Actually Chinese New Year is not till the 23rd, but due to busy schedules we celebrated a bit early this year. Our dear friend Lily came for a visit today bearing some of the most delicious Chinese food, including a walnut shrimp dish that was absolutely incredible! We ate off red plates since red is a lucky color in Chinese culture, and used our stuffed Spyro the Dragon as the centerpiece since we will be entering the year of the Dragon. We ate, talked, laughed, and consumed several cups of Jasmine tea each. Sometimes the most wonderful celebrations are the simple ones shared with friends. Good luck in the coming year of the Dragon! Next year is my year, the year of the Snake. Ssssssssee you sssssssoon!
Find out your year . . . by clicking here!
Monday, January 9, 2012
All away. Well, almost.
Saturday (I am proud to report) I successfully dismantled, arranged, wrapped up, and packed away all the Christmas decorations. MINUS ONE SMALL ITEM!!! I always seem to miss one thing, just one small thing. Then the item generally gets tucked away on one of our numerous bookshelves, till next Christmas. Maybe it is not such a bad thing to have a small reminder that Christmas will return again up all year round, though at this moment I am extremely happy with all the extra space in our living room!
Good Bye memory tree! See you in 11months! |
Friday, January 6, 2012
Hee Hee Hee, Hoo Hoo Hoo!
While navigating the World Wide Web (searching for something . . . can’t remember what it was!) I came across this hilarious photograph.
I have a thing for owls, so of course I loved this! It also inspired an exclusive search for funny (and cute) owl pictures; here are a few of my favorites. Enjoy!
I have a thing for owls, so of course I loved this! It also inspired an exclusive search for funny (and cute) owl pictures; here are a few of my favorites. Enjoy!
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Awww, so sweet. |
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Laughed so hard when I found this one! :D |
January Musings.
Ahh January; I used to find January such a letdown after the hustle and bustle of Christmas and New Years. Now I actually look forward to the return of the daily routine and the free time to plan for the coming year.
Currently I need to take an accounting of all my garden seeds and decide what I want to grow this coming spring. I am determined not to start my seeds too late this year. I have big garden plans, and I am hoping for a very bountiful harvest. This afternoon I stopped to check in on my much-neglected winter garden. I was thrilled to discover small broccoli heads forming on a few of the plants; I keep praying that I will be spared any aphid issues this year, so far so good!
The lack of rain has become a bit of a concern in our area; dad even turned the sprinklers on again. The last couple years have been long wet winters and springs, and fairly cool summers. Tomatoes are one of my favorite things to grow, and they need hot weather to ripen! My last couple tomato harvests have been disappointing in my opinion, though I did learn a great deal! I keep sending up prayers for a hot summer and a bountiful harvest, which is all I can do at the moment; well, that and start my seedlings!
Yes, January is a month for planning, preparing, and dreaming. I am happy January is here.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Birthday Fun!
Today (actually yesterday now) my friend Michelle and her twin brother Michael turned 23! And like a mature group adults, we had a lovely civilized lunch at Maria’s, followed by laser tag, air hockey, and miniature golf! I personally think it was a fabulous way to celebrate a birthday!
Lunch at Maria's. |
Battle of the birthday siblings! |
My serious air hockey face. |
An intense match. |
Very cold mini golf. |
Michelle with her boyfriend Scott. Happy Birthday my friend!!! |
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Arggggg! Happy New Year!!!
Arggggg! (Insert pirate accent here.) It be nearly dawn and I have yet to turn in! Sleep is for the fishes, not for tough and dastardly pirates! Pass the rum! Arggggg! (End pirate accent.) What a night, what a party! What was in those cupcakes? I am wide awake! We heralded in 2012 with delicious food, great friends and family, awesome costumes, games, music, and tons of fun! Our pirate theme was a huge success! Everyone had a unique style which made it all the more exciting, and it sure made for some amazing pictures . . .
Pirate Booty! |
Rachel's specialty skulls. |
Cookies fit for a dastardly pirate. |
The most amazing cupcakes ever! |
The Deadly Unruhs. |
The Cutthroat Couple, Cliff & Cindy. |
The Dangerous Canevari Clan. |
Argggggg! Pass the rum!!! |
What makes a good pirate? Accessories! |
My friend Michelle joined us, along with her monkey Jack. |
Happy New Year Everyone!!! :D
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