Did anyone watch the moon last night? It was so cool! We kept checking on the moon throughout the night until it was almost fully covered, then we sat around on the deck and watched the final transformation. The last little sliver of the glowing moon slipped behind the earth’s shadow and transformed into a ruddy-red orb suspended in the sky. The eeriest thing was the lack of light. Even when the moon is at its smallest there is always that comforting glimmer of light in the sky, but not last night. I didn’t take any pictures; taking moon shots are always difficult and I opted to just enjoy the experience.
I did get a picture of the new baby robins though! I never got a chance to see how many eggs were inside the nest, but it looks like there are at least three baby robins -- it is hard to tell when they are just a jumble of little pink things. Daddy robin is quite spastic when we walk in the front garden, making tons of noise and trying to lure us away from the nest. Mama robin, on the other hand, is as cool as a cucumber.
News among the domestic birds: huge eggs!!! One of the Anconas has always laid large eggs, but today we found one almost as big as a goose’s egg! We candled it and could see it has two yokes in inside. My first thought was “that had to hurt!” It just goes to show, the size of the bird does not determine the size of their eggs.
I won’t be blogging over the next couple of days, since I am going down to Santa Barbara with friends! I did compete forty days of blogging, but I just learned that Lent this year spans forty-six days. I don’t ever want to become legalistic about blogging, but I have really enjoyed the challenge of posting every single day. So, TTFN for now! Happy Easter everyone!!! .JPG) |
Baby Robins |
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Ancona Eggs |
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Lottie |
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Dottie |