Saturday, June 21, 2014

My Week

          I didn't pull any all-nighters this week, just up-early-and-go-go-gos!  Thank goodness for weekends with no morning alarm clocks in them.  Happy first day of summer!!! :D


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Best Mail Ever!!!!!

          I got the coolest mail today!!!  Two books from Kylie over at Eclectica!  Kylie did a whole post (Click here!) about this traveling book website, and I am super excited about being the first stop for A Girl Made of Dust and The Harp in the South.  Thanks Kylie!!!        

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Study Overload

          I am soooooooo tired of studying.  The combination of mornings in class and afternoons kitty sitting means I have been spending hours each day delving into the wonders of earth science.  The brain has reached max, no more today, shutting doooown....