One Of Those Days!
It has been a great day! Last night I read over an e-mail (forwarded by mom from a local e-mail listing of food/farm related topics) from someone needing a rooster with an eye for the ladies. Apparently their current rooster was not doing the job so they were wondering if anyone had a spare rooster. The beauty of this is Runty (who is anything but a runt now) was just put on my short list for being a little too hen crazy, between him and Bob they were too hard on my ladies. To make a long story short, we took Runty to his new home this evening! It is a beautiful place out in Penn Valley where he can free range with his new harem. So, my hens will be back to just one adult rooster, Runty ended up with a new home, and I do not have to add anymore chickens to the freezer. Yep, this has been a great day!  |
So long Runty! |
Yay for Runty. And your ladies ;)