Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine’s Day, here again.  I am a big fan of romances in books, shows, films, and life.  I have not quite figured out how to manage a successful romance in my own life, so until then I have all my cute Disney couples to keep me hopeful.  Here is one of my very favorites, and if you have never heard of them, you are in for a real treat!   
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!


Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Mardi gras has come and gone, but not before we tried something new, delicious, and so appropriate for the day!  Fried food is practically taboo in this household, partly from the obvious unhealthy reason, but also from a slight fear mom has of frying.  So I agreed to man the hot oil and we successfully made Princess Tiana’s famous “man-catching” beignets.  Unfortunately pictures cannot convey taste, so you will just have to accept my word that they were delightful!  Now, with lent upon us maybe I can finally drop those pounds I promised to get rid of on New Year’s Eve.  I wonder if any of the beignets will be left in the morning . . .  

The concerned ones wore safety glasses.  I was the rebel.
End (Yes, I know the previous picture had four 
and this one has five, but that is editing for you!)
Dust with powdered sugar for a hint of sweet 
and you are truly done.
Ah!  The perfect conclusion.

Two Hundred and Twenty-Six

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Foolish Moment #7098216384 . . . But Whose Counting?

Tonight when I left my accounting class I hurried down to my car climbed in and drove away, without my lights on!!!  It took me a bit to realize this since there were lots of street lights, but I felt like quite a fool when I discovered it.  I got into the habit of turning them off manual since when we first purchased the car the lights did not always shut off automatically, but you think I would remember to turn them back on again!  Maybe a three-hour evening accounting class is not the best thing for the brain.  I am very thankful for guardian angels, though I have a feeling mine was giving me quite the eye-rolling tonight.


Two Hundred and Twenty

Monday, February 4, 2013

Bay Leaves & Cashmere

Bay leaves and cashmere, what do these two things have in common?  Nothing actually, but while serving out the stew before dinner I kept finding bay leaves.  Bay leaves reminded me of a bailiff (no rational reason, they just sound similar), which reminded me of a sheriff, which led to the sheriff of Nottingham, and Robin Hood, and the Disney movie Robin Hood.  Thoughts can be a funny thing; one word can trigger dozens of memories and ideas instantly!  Whenever I think of cashmere, for example, I have to remind myself it is not perfume.  When my Grandma P would visit after getting off work, she was often still bedecked in pearls, heels, and a cashmere sweater.  Now being good grandchildren, Matthew and I would run up with a shout and give her a hug.  Without fail she would hug us back gingerly and say “Oh, careful honey I have on cashmere.”  I had no idea what cashmere was, but for some reason I believed cashmere was perfume, probably because along with the fancy outfit she was always drenched in fragrance.  It was YEARS before I learned cashmere was a fancy type of wool, and I still have to do a mental double-take whenever I hear that word.  Oh brain, you are a funny thing; on that note, platypus.         

Two Hundred and Seventeen

Sunday, February 3, 2013


My room is a mess. I did not get that chapter for my business class read.  I have not even touched my accounting assignment.  I need to read C.S. Lewis for book club.  The garlic still has not been planted.  I need to assemble nine mirror mounts.  The laundry is starting to pile up.  One Captured Moment is way behind in its capturing.  My novel is on hold.  And I have not finished reading that Elizabeth Goudge novel either.  I could continue, but the point is, I am behind!  It is time to buckle down, stick to a schedule, make a check off list, and get organized.  Unfortunately motivation is not my strongest feeling these days.  I am in more of a sleep in, sip tea, read something fun, play Skip-Bo, watch a British drama, and stay in my pajamas all day kind of mood.  Rather than a get important things done mood.     

Dear Life,
Would you slow down or just hold for a few days?  I would be ever so thankful if you would, the rest would be really nice.  You should take a vacation too!
Unmotivated Me

Two Hundred and Sixteen