Saturday, February 11, 2012


Today I harvested Broccoli!!!  Last years’ attempt was such a disappointment I was not very excited when it came time to plant again.  But I started the plants, placed them in the ground, and have pretty much ignored them ever since.  Imagine my surprise and excitement when I discovered several beautiful heads ready to harvest!  It just proves the age-old phrase, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Groundhog Day!!!

I love our traditions!  No matter how insignificant the event or how obscure the holiday, why pass up an opportunity to celebrate!?!  Tonight we had a build-your-own-burrito buffet for dinner (followed by the most amazing chocolate & butterscotch chip cookies ever!), while we watched our traditional Groundhog Day film, Groundhog Day (bet you wouldn’t have guessed that!).  A film we have seen so many times we start laughing before the punch line has been said (or the punch has been thrown!), and we never get tired of it!  I have had friends ask me how I can spend so much time at home without being bored.  Honestly, I tend to have a much more boring time when I have to leave home; not to mention I tend to miss out on fun activities!  So, Happy Groundhog Day everyone!  May your next six weeks of winter be fun, exciting, and full of celebrations!


Six More Weeks of Winter.

Punxsutawney Phil has emerged from his winter sleep to reveal more winter is on the way.  Actually, I am very pleased at this prognosis.  A bit of snow and a lot more rain would be very nice, as long as a warm spring and hot summer plan to follow!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Arrivals!

Look at these lovely ladies!  

I was super excited to find these Americana pullets for sale from a local source.  They are around three months old, very friendly, and so beautiful.  Since we decided nearly three years ago to keep chickens, mom has wanted a few green eggs to add a colorful zing to our array of brown eggs.  Now I finally have them!  They have been dubbed “The Princesses,” but the white one has been given her own special name.  If you can’t figure it out by looking at her, you need to watch more Disney classics!  We will have to wait several months before gathering our first green egg, until then they add quite the dainty flair to the flock.