Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Groundhog Day!!!

I love our traditions!  No matter how insignificant the event or how obscure the holiday, why pass up an opportunity to celebrate!?!  Tonight we had a build-your-own-burrito buffet for dinner (followed by the most amazing chocolate & butterscotch chip cookies ever!), while we watched our traditional Groundhog Day film, Groundhog Day (bet you wouldn’t have guessed that!).  A film we have seen so many times we start laughing before the punch line has been said (or the punch has been thrown!), and we never get tired of it!  I have had friends ask me how I can spend so much time at home without being bored.  Honestly, I tend to have a much more boring time when I have to leave home; not to mention I tend to miss out on fun activities!  So, Happy Groundhog Day everyone!  May your next six weeks of winter be fun, exciting, and full of celebrations!



  1. I haven't seen that movie in a long time. I should check it out :)

  2. I'm going to go crazy if we get another six weeks of our current weather. It's been in the 50's and 60's here in Tulsa. Crazy! I'd LOVE to have some winter about now!

    And that's a GREAT movie. :)
