Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ready, Set, Go!!! Disneyworld!!!

I am so EXCITED!!!!!  I am packed and ready to go, so what do I do now?  I think I should . . .

1)  View some Disney style tips (to help with any last minute packing)
2)  Play some Disney music to really get in the mood
3)  Watch a short romantic film to make me smile

So long little blog!  Disneyworld here I come! :D

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Christmas Trees & Rainy Days

          Yesterday I took down the Christmas tree.  While slowly removing each ornament and packing them away for another eleven months, I thought of leaving the tree up all year round.  Lydia and I laughed at the concept and discussed different themes we could dress the tree up with throughout the year: snowflakes in January, flip-flops in July -- it could be really fun!  But, in the end, each branch was carefully removed and the tree stowed away along with my customary, “See you in eleven months.”  My attachment to our faux tree may sound kind of silly, but this tree has been part of my life as long as I can remember.  I had just turned three when the tree arrived in a big brown box (mom’s allergies no longer permitted having a real tree), and I remember carrying the branches from the box to dad as he assembled the tree.  Dad calculated if the tree lasted ten years it would pay for itself; this year marked its twenty-second Christmas, and it is still going strong! 
          So, all the Christmas decorations have been safely stowed away, and just before the rain!  I was beginning to wonder if we would be doomed to a dry January.  Granted, this small amount of rain will not do much to alleviate California’s current drought situation, but I am just happy for an excuse to have an extra cozy, lazy Saturday.  Hopefully this rainy day will be the start of many to come, because I have a lot of reading and writing to do.  I find rainy days are quite conducive to that kind of creativity.  ;)  So . . .  let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!    


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

It's Always Teatime

          Lydia made the comical observation that “it’s always teatime around here.”  I must admit anyone peeking into our life would find an abnormal amount of used tea cups and still warm tea pots nestled in cozies dotted around the premises.  Of course this remark brought up some concern about our sanity levels, after all, Alice encountered a group forever locked in teatime and they were all quite mad.  I am ashamed to admit I have never read Alice in Wonderland, but Lydia enlightened me to the knowledge that the Mad Hatter and Time were not on speaking terms and that is why the party was eternally trapped in teatime.  As I have made it a point to become good friends with Time, I need not worry about teatime becoming an involuntary task.  It would be dreadful for something so wonderful to become so . . . well, dreaded!  Even while writing this I am accompanied by the soothing brew, though I admit I prefer tea in a social setting to a solitary one.  Still, I have never known a grim moment, a sad thought, a hopeful wish, or a joyful occasion that was not improved by a hot cup of good tea.    

Sunday, January 5, 2014

21 Days

           They say it takes twenty-one days to break a bad habit, or to form a new one.  I doubled that amount in my facebook sabbatical, and since reactivating that virtual world I find I have little desire to spend much time there.  Tonight marks the end of Christmas in the Unruh household; the twelfth day of Christmas was finished with the film The Nativity Story.  Tomorrow begins a twenty-one day countdown till our trip to Disneyworld!  Life is so full of counting up, counting down, and counting past.  But, I do not mind.  With every ending comes a new beginning, and as one of my favorite literary characters so aptly put it . . . "isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?" - Anne, Anne of Green Gables