Arggggg! (Insert pirate accent here.) It be nearly dawn and I have yet to turn in! Sleep is for the fishes, not for tough and dastardly pirates! Pass the rum! Arggggg! (End pirate accent.) What a night, what a party! What was in those cupcakes? I am wide awake! We heralded in 2012 with delicious food, great friends and family, awesome costumes, games, music, and tons of fun! Our pirate theme was a huge success! Everyone had a unique style which made it all the more exciting, and it sure made for some amazing pictures . . . |
Pirate Booty! |
Rachel's specialty skulls. |
Cookies fit for a dastardly pirate. |
The most amazing cupcakes ever! |
The Deadly Unruhs. |
The Cutthroat Couple, Cliff & Cindy. |
The Dangerous Canevari Clan. |
Argggggg! Pass the rum!!! |
What makes a good pirate? Accessories! |
My friend Michelle joined us, along with her monkey Jack. |
Happy New Year Everyone!!! :D
Arg! Ye blarney wenches ad yersef a rousin' good time! :)
ReplyDeleteIt was the best pirate party I've been to! I loved the clam dip and so did little Jack!