Friday, June 28, 2013

Chicks for Chicks!

Three of my little Americanas went to a new home today!  I must admit I was a little sad to see them go, but these smiling faces certainly made parting easier.  
Also, I am house-sitting this weekend for several fish, three kitties, and one very large German shepherd.  The days are getting quite hot, so I have a feeling this weekend will involve a lot of this.  
Perfect opportunity to get caught up on my reading, writing, and blogging!     

Three hundred and Sixty-One

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Quick Life Update

          Summer has arrived, and with its arrival came a downpour!  Normally I would not mind rain in June, especially considering the rainfall this year has been way down.  But I have sixteen chicks which need to be kept warm and dry.  This past week they have been able to take field trips out into the yard, with supervision of course, so they can stretch their wings and get some fresh air.  Yesterday they were jumping all over each other and seemed quite disappointed they could not go out.  A couple of them discovered they can jump on top of the water dispenser, which is just one step away from discovering they can jump from the top of that out of their bucket entirely.  So we converted the mudroom into a chick condo with plenty of room for them to run around.  They seem very happy with their new setup.
          The one nice thing about the weather is it forces you to stick to quieter indoor activities.  Last week was super busy.  I had an order to get out for dad on Monday, massage client on Tuesday; have I ever mentioned I trained as a massage therapist after leaving Point Loma?   I tried building up a clientele, but Nevada County is overflowing with massage therapists so my skill is limited to family and a few friends these days.  The rest of the week was spent cleaning out the garage (UGH!).  The garage is in process of being transformed into a great multi-purpose room.  It will house dad’s new movie theatre setup as well as being a great place to exercise, play games, and host giant parties!  But before any of that can happen the thing has to be cleaned out.  We have made a ton of progress this past week.  The rain did cause some backtracking since all the stuff on the driveway had to be hastily put back in the garage.  But the end is in sight, just a dozen or so more piles of stuff to go through and it will be clean!
          I enjoy being busy, the kind of busy where you feel good and accomplish things without getting worn down by too much hustle and bustle.  DLC has been keeping me really busy the past couple months, so busy in fact that I have not needed to look for an outside job!  I have also dived back into the research and regulations of selling eggs.  Yesterday I sent off my application for an egg handler’s license!  I still need to find out if I need a business license or not, but Fairytale Farm should be up and running very soon!  I love having chickens, but they need to pull their weight around here like everyone else.
          So life is pretty good these days.  I have a wonderful family, an awesome roommate, and a bunch of tiny chicks that provide tons of adorable entertainment.  Yep, this is the good life.   

Three Hundred and Fifty-Eight

Sunday, June 23, 2013


          Heart still pounding, feeling hot and sweaty, kicking myself for being foolish!  Tonight after a lovely evening eating dinner with my family, watching Oz the Great and Powerful, eating delicious homemade chocolate ice cream, and marveling at the amazing full moon, I packed up and headed up to my house.  I make the trek between the two houses many times each day, and plenty of times in the dark.  Tonight as I walked up the driveway I heard a lot of crunching.  Shining my light around, which I just realized was very weak and getting weaker, I spotted a mass of black and white fluff waddling toward me.  Skunk!  I calmly walked backwards down the driveway, losing sight of his eyes as I walked.  Suddenly his eyes reappeared closer than they should have been.  I sprinted down the driveway and slammed into the front door; dad had locked it after me.  Naturally I did what any rational person would do, knocked and rang the doorbell till someone came to let me in.  After making it safely inside and explaining my situation, dad went out to investigate.  After several minutes I thought I would go check on him, you all know where this is going don’t you?  I stood on the porch looking around for dad, saw his flashlight, and started to walk toward him.  Suddenly another rustle alerted me to the aforementioned animal just a few feet away!!!  Thankfully he hurried away from me just as fast as I hurried away from him.  Unfortunately he nearly ran straight into dad in the process, but we ended up having a smelly-free evening in the end.  Moral of the story, do not go to investigate people going to investigate skunks, it could result in a scary, or stinky, encounter.    

Three Hundred and Fifty-Six

Monday, June 17, 2013

Mail Order Chicks!

         They have arrived!  And it was a big surprise!  I received a text message Sunday at 4am (yeah, last time I sign up for text notification outside my time zone) saying the chicks were on their way.  I did not expect them to arrive so quickly though.  This morning consisted of a lot of running around, finding chick supplies, cleaning out buckets, locating the heat lamp, and dad rushing off to the post office to pick them up.  They are now settled comfortably in a big purple tub with food, water, and heating lamp.  Dad and I need to get started on a new chicken coop for them ASAP, for they will soon outgrow their current accommodations.  There is always some big adventure going on around here, or in this case sixteen little peeping adventures.  

Click Here! Blogger is being silly and won't let me directly imbed the video from YouTube.

Three Hundred and Fifty

Friday, June 14, 2013

Chick Update


          I awoke this morning hoping to find our broody hen surrounded by seven little fluff balls.  The three chicks hatched yesterday are happy and active; the one still in process when we went to bed last night did not make it.  It appears to have given up trying to push out of its shell, and remained curled up inside, sleeping eternally.  The three remaining eggs will be given more time to hatch since the eggs were gathered from multiple days; hopefully we will have good news to report soon.  This is just another small reminder how life, any life, has to fight to live, and every moment of our life is a special gift.  So happy Friday readers, may you have a wonderful day surrounded by the people you love enjoying the wonderfulness of life.


Three Hundred and Forty-Seven

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ugh! Eye Doctors

          I hate going to the eye doctor.  Actually I hate going to any kind of doctor.  Good news is my eyes came back with a clean bill of health, my contact prescription is the same (Whoo Hoo!  My sight has stopped deteriorating!), and I have several boxes of contacts and new lenses for my glasses on the way.  Aside from taking a rrrrreeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllyyyyy looooooooooooong time, and looking like this all day . . .
. . . it was not that bad.  Though that eye numbing stuff always makes me feel kind of woozy, probably because I know they are numbing it so they can touch my eyeball!  The only thing that should ever touch my eyeball is my own finger with a contact lens perched on the end. 
          I still remember my first visit to the eye doctor when I was five.  My clearest memory is the doctor having me put on these special glasses and then look at a hologram of a butterfly.  Having a dad in the laser-techno world means I have grown up with a lot of cool and unusual stuff; including holograms.  Our conversation went something like this,

Dr:  “Here, put these on and look at this”
Me:  puts on glasses and looks at three-dimensional butterfly.
Dr:  “Can you see it?”
Me:  “Yes”
Dr:  “Can you touch it?”
Me:  “No, you can’t touch it”
Dr:  “Why can’t you touch it?”
Me:  “it’s a hologram.”

          Up to that point the Doctor kept trying to get me to touch it, when the word hologram came out of my mouth he turned to mom a bit surprised.  “Her dad works with lasers and holograms.”  After a bit more coaxing from the eye doctor I did finally wave my hand over the butterfly.  How embarrassing, waving my hand over a hologram like a silly little kid.  But, embarrassment aside, I walked out of there with perfect vision, those funky film sunglasses, and two gift certificates to a local ice cream shop.  Now I have to go to the eye doctor for vision correction without the reward of ice cream, *sigh* growing up loses so many fun perks.             

Three Hundred and Forty-Six

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

". . . a Few of My Favorite Things."

          I just gave our family YouTube channel a bit of a face-lift; you should go check it out!  Many of the videos have already been featured on this blog or my mom's blog, but there are a few extra ones too.  I have also added my Cousin Tiffany's blog, Adventure of a Lifetime, to my special list of links.  I do enjoy seeing all those little pink tabs under my header.  I wish I could be as organized in my closet!  I always prefer ending posts on a funny or quirky note, so here is a little blog (and grammar/spelling) humor that had me in stitches.  TTFN!

Three Hundred and Forty-Four

Monday, June 10, 2013

They're Gone!

          This morning as I was putting something away in the laundry room I peeked out the window and failed to see any little Robin faces or open beaks.  Going outside to investigate I discovered an empty nest.  Our baby Robins have flown away!  In less than two weeks they went from four small blue eggs to fully feathered birds.  Good luck little Robins!  I wish you well and hope to see you hopping around the garden.

Three Hundred and Forty-Three

Friday, June 7, 2013

Hot, Busy, Busy, Hot

          Hot.  The days are hot.  I can deal with hot days, what is hard is dealing with hot nights too.  Tiffany is out on a house-sitting job for the next couple weeks, so I am back to being alone in the house.  The only good thing about having the house to myself is being able to run around in a t-shirt and underwear without giving it a second thought.  Though I have a feeling I would not get much of a response out of her even if I did run around in my unmentionables while she was here. 
          Anyway, it has been a super busy week.  Dad and I have been working really hard (at all hours of the day and night!) to get out a shipment of mounts for the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) in Italy.  We shipped off twenty-five mounts today, but we encountered some last minute issues with mount number twenty-six so it will be shipped off later.  Definitely the most labor intensive order I have ever helped fill.  The mounts needed to be built as cleanly and uncontaminated as possible so we spent the majority of our time running around in blue gloves like a surgeon trying not to touch anything or breathe unnecessarily; I drew the line at wearing a mask, I can deal with sweaty hands but not a sweaty face.
          Today was spent helping friends prepare for their sons graduation party tomorrow.  We will also be on hand to help tomorrow too.  I hope the Lord sees fit to send a cool breeze our way regardless of the predicted high temperatures.  The one good thing about this hot weather is the pool will be ready to swim in soon.  Looking over my calendar things really do not slow down till the end of next week.  I even have an unexpected eye appointment Tuesday due to some silly rule about not being allowed to order new contacts if I have not seen the eye doctor within a year.  I mean, I went four years ago after all!  *Sigh* always something to do.
          So depending on where you are in the world, stay cool or stay warm.      
          Happy Friday!