Monday, June 10, 2013

They're Gone!

          This morning as I was putting something away in the laundry room I peeked out the window and failed to see any little Robin faces or open beaks.  Going outside to investigate I discovered an empty nest.  Our baby Robins have flown away!  In less than two weeks they went from four small blue eggs to fully feathered birds.  Good luck little Robins!  I wish you well and hope to see you hopping around the garden.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, be safe little birds. You better stay in Debbieland where it is safe and enchanted. I have been watching the swallows on the building at work. The mud huts are are quiet for a week THEN moooore babies. I'll bet Mrs Robin has started another brood somewhere. The season started so early this year ya know.
