Quiet . . . way too quiet . . . . In the wee hours this morning, mom and dad flew down to L.A. for Craic’s annual tree trimming party. For those of you who do not know, dad works as a private consultant alongside Craic and flies down every Tuesday morning and then back again Tuesday night. But this morning they have both gone; so instead of following my usual routine of stumbling half asleep out to the chicken coop to let those morning critters out at 7:30am only to stumble back into bed for a couple more hours of sleep, I decided to be a responsible “grown-up” and stay up.
So far I have stoked the fire (very important), fixed the embarrassing typo in my last post’s title (bithday? Seriously how did I not catch that? Thanks mom! Always good to have an editor on staff!), and gone through IMdb’s list of movies to be released next year (oh yeah, real important task . . . right?), and changed my facebook profile picture (now I know I am really bored!).
Seriously, even early bird Lydia is still asleep, and it is 9:35!!! I should probably go eat breakfast to appease my growling stomach. Generally speaking I am not hungry in the mornings and don’t eat till around 11am, but lately I have been forgoing my evening snack in an attempt to offset all the Kermit cupcakes I consumed so I am waking up hungry!
*Sigh* I should probably go eat then start on those three baskets of laundry that need folding, that would be the productive thing. Or I could sit here (carefully editing this post so I don’t end up with any embarrassing typos!) and hope someone gets up so I don’t have to eat alone! I do not think I could live alone, waaaaaay too used to hustle and bustle of a big family to live alone (is the refrigerator always that noisy?!?!), wait . . . I think I hear someone? And the sun just broke through the clouds! Good Morning!
Yuh busy little blogger you! LOL about the typo, I thought you were "saying " it with a lisp ;) I LOVE being able to hear the refrigerator.